Youtube Channel Justified Gallery - Abdul JES(Joomla Extensions Store)

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“Youtube Channel Gallery” is a unique Joomla module that uses YouTube data API v3. It fetches all videos, and playlists from a YouTube channel, and displays them. And you can upload videos to youtube as well.
Youtube Channel Gallery Joomla Module

Why does your website need the “Youtube Channel Gallery”?

Embedding YouTube videos on your website can enhance engagement, visually communicate your message, boost credibility, expand reach, and improve SEO and user experience.


What is the “Youtube Channel Gallery”?

“Youtube Channel Gallery” is a module that will help you to show your YouTube channel on your website with various options available. Now check out its features:-

  1. Easy embed YouTube videos/playlists/channels to your Joomla website
  2. Create YouTube video feeds, YouTube video galleries
  3. Three different layouts grid, rows, and course(pro version)
  4. Four types of videos source playlists, all videos, single playlist videos, and single video
  5. Fully responsive layout using Bootstrap
  6. Layout setting includes: the number of columns for grid layout, show/hide Read more button, custom Read more text, show/hide description
  7. Play YouTube videos on your website without leaving it
  8. No need for advanced coding to display interactive YouTube videos
  9. Multilingual support available on request

Max number
Layout Grid, Row Grid, Row, Course
Source All playlists, All videos All playlists, All videos, Single playlists, Selected video
Number of columns
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Custom Read more text
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