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A full stack web developer is a technical person who can develop both client and server technologies.
He/she is aware of:
Program a browser technologies (like using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery)Program a server technology (like using PHP)Program a database technology (like using MySQL, MariaDB)
Course duration : 4-6 Months (depending on your educational background)
Fee: $150
To become a full stack PHP web developer, you will be taught technologies,in the following order:
So the very first thing you have to learn, is HTML short for hypertext markup language, which is the standard markup language used to create web pages.
The second technology to learn is CSS short for cascading style sheet, it will be used to style or design the layout of your web page with fonts, backgrounds, beautiful colors and much more.
The third step after you have learnt HTML and CSS, is to learn JavaScript. JavaScript will be used to create interactive and dynamic web-pages for your website visitors.
Now you know how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create, style, and make interactive web pages.
The next step is to publish your website, so that the rest of the world can see your work.
There are tons of hosting services to choose from. We have made one for you, for free:
People who create static websites are called Front-End Developers.Note: Many Front-End Developers also have basic knowledge of different CSS and JavaScript frameworks and libraries, like Bootstrap, SASS (CSS pre-processor), jQuery and React etc.
Front-end development refers to the client-side (how a web page looks).Back-end development refers to the server-side (how a web page works).Front-end code is used to create static websites, where the purpose is to display the web-page. However, if you want to make your website dynamic (manage files and databases, add contact forms, control user-access, etc.), you need to learn a back-end programming language, like PHP and use SQL to communicate with databases.
The last step to become full stack web developer is to learn PHP. PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP.
The advantage of being a full stack web developer is:
Wanna continue your journey to design specific only and don't want to be PHP backend developer. No worry web design and front end development course is there.