I will create or edit a joomla website or template - Hire Best Joomla Developer in Pakistan

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I will create or edit a joomla website or template

About this service

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If you want quick fixes like a minor error fixes or  fix in the design or coding or other things of the same sort then I will do that in a gig or two but it's always better to ask me before buying any number of gigs. And for template creation please send me first your PSD and then based on your PSD I'll send or create  you a custom offer. Below are the services I offerr.

I will create or edit a joomla website or template

 Joomla template development and design

  1. Joomla module development
  2. Joomla Plugin development
  3. Joomla Component development
  4. Joomla sites Building and Troubleshooting
  5. Joomla Template creation and modification
  6. Joomla Templates and modules installation
  7. Joomla Ecommerce or Virtuemart Store building   
  8. Joomla Redesign
  9. Joomla error fixes
  10. Joomla site transfer

Beside this I can work with popular existing extension like
  1. virtuemart
  2. jomsocial
  3. joomfish
  4. comprofiler
  5. Shape5, and popular template framework
and many more other too.

Note: Please Don't make order without contacting me