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Icon fonts can be called with a tag and a {space}:
<span class="icon-joomla"> </span>
Will show the Joomla! icon:
Because the icons are fonts, you can control the size of them with an added class or style= statement. Of course you will have to define the class in your CSS or LESS style sheet file.
<span class="icon-joomla" style="font-size:24px;"> </span>
Here is the resized Joomla! icon:
To include the Icomoon fonts in your template you will have to add the CSS style sheet (/media/jui/css/icomoon.css) or include it in your .less file when you generate the .css style sheet(s).
$doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl.'/media/jui/css/icomoon.css');
This is the complete list, including the alternative names to call the icon. The alternatives are separated by a '/' below.